NEW Electro-Magnetic Interference Films

Oceania Distributing have just released another product in their ‘Pro-Select’ range now on offer. The EMI70+ and EMI70 films are a specialty film designed to reduce or block the Electro-Magnetic Waves caused by many electronic hand held devices, mobile phone towers, high tension power lines, and much more.

With cyber crime and online fraud on the rise in recent years, it is becoming clear that we need to have the ability to protect the information we store and send wirelessly on our devices such as computers or cell phones. This is the reason that many government sectors have embraced the use of EMI window films to combat the risk of sensitive information being intercepted by cyber criminals. Many surveillance vehicles across Australia have already had this film applied with great results.


There are also countless reports on the link between our health and electro-magnetic radiation; although to date many have been inconclusive. For some living close to potentially increased EMF (Electro-Magnetic Fields), the answer has been easy – Reassurance via protection.

For more information on these or any other products available from Oceania Distributing, please feel free to contact any of our friendly staff on – 1800 44 88 46. Or send through an enquiry using the form HERE.